I know it's been awhile since I last blogged...okay almost a year... so I decided to update this. In September of 2008 we found out we are expecting baby number two :) After over two years of trying and making adoption plans, God answered our prayer and allowed me to get pregnant. We were taking Caleb to Disney for fall break and I had a horrible sinus infection. I decided to go to the walk-in clinic and while there found out not only did I have a sinus infection but I also had a baby in the belly! It has been not the best of pregnancies but it has so been worth it. In November we found out we are having another boy!! Elijah James Kinneer. Just last week we found out that my original due date of May 21st may be wrong and instead I might be due May 7th or earlier!!! (either that or he is just a big boy!) I go next week (March 18th) for a big ultrasound where they will measure he and I and figure out his gestational age! I sure hope I am farther along than they originally thought! I'm so ready!! :)
Well, I have definitely been nesting so I thought I would include some pictures of his nursery so far. I am almost completely finished!
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