I have decided that I am actually going to try to update this blog regularly now :) Today there is nothing exciting going on...just hanging out during my planning period. I am planned up for the end of the school year because I am worried I won't make it to the end of the school year.....so I have literally nothing to do right now. I've packed up most of my school stuff already, just need to box some books. I have so many books! The Kinneer family definitely loves books.

Tomorrow is my big ultrasound appointment!!!! So excited! I'm hoping they are going to tell me that I am farther along than they originally thought...pray!!! I'm so ready to have this little booger. I'm starting to swell in my hands and feet but other than that, for once I am actually able to enjoy this pregnancy! I haven't posted maternity pictures so here are some...

I found out a couple of weeks ago that I am having a church shower. I'm so excited! Wasn't planning on getting a shower since I am having another little boy. I cleaned out all of Caleb's things from the basement and finally washed all of his little clothes that I had kept. I ended up with two huge tupperware boxes full. I can't believe I kept that much! Eli really won't need any new clothes! He does need a car seat, stroller and some other big things.
well the bell is about to ring, I will post some more in a second when my kiddos are working on researching for their research papers!!!!
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