So I realized the other day that my sweet boogers will not be my baby anymore once Eli comes. So sad! I have enjoyed literally every stage that he has gone through, even the trantrums and talking back! :) Seth is so not a cuddler and God knew that I needed a little man to cuddle with. Caleb has been that for me. He will sit on the couch with me for hours, just hu
gging me. If I am sick, he is so sympathetic and loving. He'll come to me at random times through out the day just to tell me that he loves me. His new nickname for me is "your highness". :) It cracks me up! He has everyone, and I mean EVERYONE wrapped around his finger. People at church go out of their way to bring him gifts. One of his favorite gifts is sugar free gum! One lady in our church left church Sunday just to run to the gas station to get gum for him! No wonder Pastor's kids turn out the way they do!!!! ha ha! Seth and I think of vacations for just he and I and then during planning, we start talking about how Caleb would love to do this or that. We then realize that we're not going anywhere without him...we would miss his reactions too much.
We're already planning our next Disney vacation!!! After having my sweet baby, I truly understand God's love for us. I would lay down my life in a heartbeat for that blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He is one of the most loving boys in the entire world and I know one day he'll make some woman completely happy.

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